AWS CaseStudy-Refine(en)


Customer : Refine

Problem statement/definition

  • Customers were migrating services from their existing on-premise environment to a local cloud company, but Migrating to AWS Cloud and Operating due to guaranteed function and performance problems.
  • Most of the services are currently being developed and operated on AWS Cloud except for personal information, mostly in B2B area, server development is mostly in operation, implemented as a typical Monolithic service.
  • AWS’s service proposal to address new requirements for mobile development with B2C rather than existing B2B areas where new areas of business need to be developed.
  • There was no mobile development staff among the internal development staff, even company developers have no experience in cloud-based mobile development, Need ways to achieve results in a short project period.
  • Consider the development of Google’s Firehose foundation for the first time, but propose an Amplify like AWS
  • Development and Optimization Based on Amplify, and Serverless-based service development requirements require access to MSA and DevOps, which lead to the project

How AWS services were used as part of the solution

AWS Service Used

  • Amplify
  • Amplify Console (CI/CD) : Git / CodeCommit / CodeBuild & Deploy
  • Cloud Formation
  • API Gateway (Front & Back) / SQS / CloudWatch & ElasticSearch / CloudWatch
  • IAM, Etc… (ELB,RDS etc.)

Third party applications or solutions used

  • Utilize JUUL API
  • Google Analytics


  • Enhanced the security by gaining visibility into AWS Resource usage by team and Service Groups by VPC through Account separation
  • Get active serverless-based services by using Amplify
  • Improve quality and performance of applications
  • Increase the convenience of deployment with Amplify’s CI/CD automation, reduce application deployment time and release time
  • Reduce costs by increasing the utilization of existing server development personnel by automating mobile development.
  • Security achieved by service segregation from each VPC
Written on March 4, 2020