AWS CaseStudy-Kmong(en)
Customer : Kmong
Problem statement/definition
- Customers initially develop and operate services on AWS Cloud, Starting with a typical Monolithic service implementation, there was not much of an issue initially due to the small size of the service and the small number of team members.
- Currently there are nearly 100 people, Service is also progressing dramatically compared to the past, and it takes about 2 to 3 hours to deploy for service update. In the meantime, related developers were also unable to do other tasks while waiting for deployment to complete.
- Deploying 1~2 weeks deployments reduces the degree of freedom of deployment of applications, and Update does not occur fast
- These issues require access to MSA and DevOps.
What you proposed
Architecture Suggestion
- 2-tier webservice structure
- Redundancy and Multi-Az configuration for each tier of HA
- flexible configuration using AutoScaling
- Minimize server management utilizing Serverless Fargate Service
- Increase deployment efficiency with AWS Code Series for CI/CD
- Log Integration through CloudWatch Logs
- Log Integrated Monitoring Service Using ElasticSearch Service
Agile methodology
- Through the project, which is performed in accordance with the Agile methodology for future usage, Kmong’s engineers can use the Agile methodology in the future as well.
How AWS services were used as part of the solution
AWS Service Used
- API Gateway
- CodeCommit / CodeBuild / CodeDeply / CodePipeLine
- Cloud Formation
- ECS (Fargate/ECR)
- CloudWatch & ElasticSearch
- IAM, Etc… (ELB,RDS etc.)
- Ensure visibility into AWS resource usage by team through account separation and increase convenience due to resource separation
- Serverless Fargate eliminates server management discomfort
- Improve quality and performance of applications
- Increase deployment convenience by establishing CI/CD
- Reduced expenditure on development, testing, or operation
- Improving the efficient work capacity of development personnel
- Service separation reduces application deployment time
- Reduce Application Release deployment time
Written on February 27, 2020